Sunday, September 8, 2024

Silencing the Roar

 September 8, 2024

I got a bit ahead of myself yesterday with the reference in Revelation 5, so I want to go back to 1 Peter for a bit.

 “Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” —I Peter 5:6-7 

Peter is writing to Christians who are enduring some pretty serious persecution, so much so that he tells them not to be surprised at the fiery trial they are experiencing. His words here give an interesting twist to the story: they are to “humble themselves under the mighty hand of God.” In other words, the troubles they are having are not outside God’s plan for them. It’s his hand on the steering wheel, not the devil’s. 

All this means that the only way to get through our troubles is to say with Jesus, “Not mine, but Thy will be done.” That’s never easy, but if we fail here, we are vulnerable to the trickery and deceit of the devil who tries to convince us that our troubles are evidence that our Heavenly Father doesn’t really care about us.

But when we humble ourselves before God, he lifts us up, carries us, and cares for us as no other can. And when he does that, the Enemy roars, but can do little more than make noise.

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