May 22, 2020
“Never miss an opportunity to shut up.” The radio preacher caught my attention with that line, in part because it was the third time in about a week being reminded to be sparing with my words. The other day, it was a story. A can with just a few marbles in it makes more noise than one that is full. The same is true of people. After hearing that radio preacher, I got to thinking about something John Maxwell once said. He was telling about a woman in his church who complained to him about all the people who kept coming to her with their gossip. “I don’t know what to do, pastor,” she lamented.
“I can tell you what the problem is,” he replied. “Your problem is, you are a garbage collector. People come to you with their gossip because you are all too willing to hear it. You’re just a garbage dump.” I’m guessing that word wasn’t received too well, but it hits home. In this day of social media, it seems everyone thinks they have to say something, which is very different from having something to say. The anonymity of Facebook provides the perfect medium for slander and vitriol to grow, and grow it does! And even if I don’t contribute, I too often am willing to take it all in like a garbage collector.
It’s all about words. Jesus warned us that what is in the heart comes out of the mouth. Profanity, criticism, barbed sarcasm, reveal a heart needing a deep work of the Holy Spirit. But there’s more: what I put into my mind will sooner or later find a home in my heart, and what takes up residence there will soon leak out the door of my mouth, poisoning all who hear.
I’m a preacher. Words are my bread and butter, but if words of grace and truth are to come out of my mouth, it is imperative that such words first come into my heart. So before the news, before social media, before all the endless line of hucksters and peddlers, I need to spend time in the Word of God. When I do, there will be plenty enough to say, but also plenty of opportunity to shut up.
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