May 26, 2020
The last book in the Bible begins with these words: “The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants...” As is often the case, little words mean a lot. Take that word “of.” It can be understood in numerous ways. It can be the revelation ABOUT Jesus Christ, ie. who he is. In a crisis, it would be good to know who Jesus is—what is his character; can he be depended upon, will he be present or absent? The word can also signify coming FROM Jesus Christ, ie. what he is doing in the midst of the crisis.
We need both. If I am to trust him, I need to know him—who he is, what is his character. But I also need to know what he is doing when the world is falling apart.
This opening phrase is repeated in verse 9, with some additional information. John describes himself as a companion (literally, “one who breaks bread with another,” a term of complete solidarity with those suffering (unlike the flaccid “we are in this together” pronouncements of political elites who neither risk nor lose anything by the devastation they’ve caused)) “in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ.”
That little word “of” pops up again. Does it implicate Jesus as the source of tribulation, etc., or that he is partakers of it with us? I think the latter. Jesus so identifies with us that he once said, “If you do it to the least of these, my brethren, you do it to me.”
When in tribulation, Jesus is present. He suffers with us. But he also rules his kingdom and is present to help us endure as he endured. This statement by John that he is a companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ” tells us a lot about what Paul means when he said we are “in Christ.” We accept tribulation as he did, refusing to submit to lesser authorities as he did, and enduring to the end. The refusal to submit to worldly authority will bring tribulation and necessitate endurance, but all that we do for and in the name of Jesus Christ, all that we endure for him, reflecting his own character, places us with John in the enviable position of being in the Spirit where Jesus Christ stands ready to reveal himself and his plans to us.
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