May 24, 2020
The morning dawned warm, sun peeking above the trees in the cemetery, fluffy clouds racing across an azure sky, not a single contrail in sight. That hasn’t happened in the skies above our house for many years, and it seemed an odd contrast: God’s singular beauty and the effects of human devastation in a single scene. I wasn’t sure whether to take solace in the beauty or to mourn the death throes of an economy on which the entire world depends.
Linda and I sat before the TV for the morning’s live-streamed worship service, me with bass in hand, bass face plastered on, playing along with the band just because I could. I miss playing with them, and look forward to that day. After lunch, the family came over for some outdoor, social-distanced time together. When conversation lagged, Linda, the ever-vigilant organizer, grabbed the rubber bases and organized a whiffle ball game in the back yard. It was the perfect activity for our circumstances; everyone is automatically socially distanced, and the kids had a great time. Everyone is home now, and Linda is pretending to watch NCIS through closed eyelids. Pitching to both teams is a bit more exhausting than it used to be.
In Sunday School this morning, we were asked where we saw God working this past week. I mentioned how hard this it is for me to keep my focus on what God is doing instead of the mess we’re making of things in this world. I’ve begun reading in Revelation which exalts the victory of Jesus Christ over the powers of this world even as those early Christians were experiencing severe persecution. We have it good compared to them, but our joy depends on where we set our minds. Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 to put on the armor of God so we can fight with courage and strength the spiritual war that rages all around us. I’m finding it necessary when I first wake up in the morning to mentally suit up with that armor so I can fight the good fight. Every so often throughout the day, I need to mentally touch those different pieces God has given. I don’t want to miss the beauty of those clouds and the hawk lazily circling above me.
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