Wednesday, November 22, 2017


November 22, 2017

The annual Bailey Thanksgiving Eve Dinner/Thankful Tablecloth/Leg Lamp Ceremony wrapped up less than an hour ago. Everyone was present and accounted for. The tradition began in 2003 when Linda produced a linen tablecloth and spread it out at Jessie and Todd’s home where we had just devoured her signature Cordon Bleu. Everyone was given Sharpies and instructed to write down on the tablecloth what they were thankful for that year. This tablecloth has documented everything from newborn babies to getting accepted into college, with both fun and serious stuff in between. It has seen the passing of both Linda’s parents and my dad, and the birth of five of our nine grandchildren.

Soon after the tablecloth is duly signed (it’s getting hard to find empty space) by everyone in the family, The Christmas Story dvd is fired up and fast-forwarded to the scene where the father receives his “major award.” This is the cue for Todd to ceremoniously bring out the leg lamp, trailed by most of the grandkids. He sets it on the table under the front kitchen window, while Ian duly strokes the now lit leg, and everyone throws on coats and pours out the front door into the lawn where the movie lines are intoned by one and all. All of which goes to show that traditions don’t have to be serious to be significant. Our family, like all others, has to occasionally deal with differences that threaten our unity. Unlike many other families, we are determined to make sure that the things that connect us are stronger than the forces that would tear us apart. We know how to be flexible, to not say everything that comes to mind, and to ask forgiveness when things have been said or done that hurt another. And we make sure that the traditions are kept intact. I am thankful tonight for the family God has given us, for his grace that has preserved us, and for the future he has prepared for us. If it is anything like the past, it will surely be good.

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