Wednesday, November 8, 2017

High Pockets

November 8, 2017

Claire Phillips was an entertainer who landed in Manila in the late ‘30’s just before the Pacific War broke out. She opened a club where she entertained Japanese soldiers and officers, relaying messages and smuggling food, medicines, and money to guerrilla fighters in the mountains of the Philippines. Eventually betrayed, she spent nine months in various prisons, enduring beatings, starvation, and torture before being liberated by the Americans. 

She recounted her adventures in a book entitled “High Pockets,” her code name taken from her device of hiding messages in her bra. After reading her memoir, I found photos of her online. Petite and pretty, she was also fearless, refusing to betray those who had depended on, and trusted her. I have often wondered if I would break under similar conditions. I don’t know. 

Countless individuals have suffered and died horribly rather than betray friends or faith. This world is a better place because of them. I recently read a meme on Facebook that went something like this: “In 1944, nineteen-year olds stormed the beaches of Normandy. In 2017, nineteen-year olds need a safe space because their feelings got hurt.” Courage seems to be in short supply these days when mob bullying and shouting down speakers with whom one disagrees is fast becoming the norm. I am grateful tonight for those with the courage of their convictions who encourage me by their integrity to stand for what is right, no matter what others may say or do.

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