Friday, November 3, 2017

Staying Human

November 3, 2017

One of the best things anyone can do for themselves is to surround themselves with quality people. I am blessed to have dozens of them all around me. This morning for the first time, the men outnumbered the women in our writer’s group. Seven men to four women. Going around the table for our accountability time, Helen commented on how few quality children’s books with a Christian message exist. I talked about how I need to make some choices; I don’t have the time nor talent to be good at numerous things. When it came to Don, he had been taking notes, and offered some wisdom. Helen, he said, writes well enough to be the one to fill that niche in children’s books. As to my comment on focus, he talked of his artist wife, who will work in pastels one day, oils another, and watercolor in still another; unless she chooses pottery. In his words, she lets the work call to her. “Let the work call to you,” he advised. I LOVE this group!

At band rehearsal today, I realized as never before that I’m not, and never will be, much of a bassoonist. My notes were squawky, and at times wouldn’t even sound. On the string bass however, I continue to get compliments on my admittedly rudimentary playing. I can take a hint. Again, I am surrounded by good people whose talent and dedication to their music makes my life better. 

Finally, this evening, while Linda went to granddaughter Abi’s last swim meet and watched her and her younger sister set a school record in the 200 freestyle relay, I took granddaughter Eliza to watch her cousin Mattie in her class play, then treated them both to ice cream at Friendly’s. Listening to their chatter as they piled into my pickup, and their songs all the way home, took the evening over the top.

I am an introvert by nature, but after nearly 70 years, I’ve begun to understand the value of surrounding myself with good people. I like my alone time, but I treasure the people who by their humanity keep me human. They teach me what life and love is all about by taking me outside of myself and inviting me into their world. Life without them would be void of meaning, a dull and dreary place. The good news is, my life is not without them; I live it with them, and only hope I am in some way filling their hearts as they do mine.

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