Friday, July 12, 2024

Spiritual Earache

 July 12, 2024

My ear started aching on Independence Day. At first, I thought little of it, but four days later, I was in the doctor’s office. “There’s goo in your ear; you have an infection,” intoned the PA. She prescribed antibiotic eardrops, but three days later, the throbbing I could manage, but the sudden spikes of pain like someone jabbing an ice pick in my ear was a bit over the top. Last night, it was 3:30 before I was even able to doze fitfully. 

My brother and sister in law had come down for my birthday, so spoiling our time by whining was out of the question. We had a wonderful visit, but when they left for home, I left for another visit to the doctor. A different PA irrigated the ear, but wasn’t able to dislodge the “goo.” She did say that whatever was in my ear was fuzzy around the edges, not exactly the news one likes to hear.

At the moment, the medicines and prayers seem to be doing their job; I’m feeling much better as I reflect on St. Paul’s words about the body of Christ: “If one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; or if one member is honored, all the members rejoice with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually.” —I Corinthians 12:26-27 

One tiny member of my body contracted an infection. In response, the entire body was awake most of the night. I’ve witnessed too often how one person—a brother or sister in Christ—through anger, jealousy, greed, lust, or laziness can infect the entire body. One person acts out his or her hurt or pride, and before long, people are taking sides, hurling accusations at one another, or dropping out altogether. 

Spiritual and emotional infections are as inevitable as physical ones, and the remedy is similar: diagnose the issue and deal with it early before it leads to serious or even fatal consequences. Everyone will feel better for it.

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