Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Dusty Soul

 July 11, 2024

“My soul clings to the dust.” —Psalm 119:25

From this, the longest psalm extolling the wonder and glory of God’s Word, come these plaintive words describing our too-often human condition. We have the capacity to envision the glory of eternity, to contemplate the wonders of salvation, the deep love of God in Christ, and what do we do? We cling to the dust. 

Haven’t you found that to be true of you? Something inside us gravitates to the negative, the bizarre and macabre. You’re driving down the road and come upon an accident. The rescue squad is there taking care of the situation, but you slow down, rubber necking to see the damage. The daily news is nothing but tragedy and perversity, and we suck it up eagerly. People crowd to the movies to salivate over the most dreadful shock and gore, the worse, the better. Our souls cling to the dust.

That’s why the second half of this verse is so important: “Revive me according to your Word.” The only thing that loosens our grip to the dust of this world is the Word that comes from the God who has conquered this world in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

Whenever I find my soul clinging to the dust, the Word of God wrenches it from my grasp and binds it to heaven. And it is that same word that is preventative, loosening my soul’s grip on the dust before it grabs tightly. O the power and glory of the Word of God! Keep your heart and mind focused on it, saturated by it, strengthened in it, for in it is life itself as it directs your heart to Jesus Christ, our Savior and its Author.

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