Tuesday, July 23, 2019

One Better

July 23, 2019

There is a special joy in having your children enjoy the same activities you enjoy. When they were younger, I took all three of my children canoeing in Algonquin Provincial Park in Canada. We paddled, portaged, and camped our way through the wilderness. They all loved it, except for the October I dumped son Matthew in the drink. He looked like a drowned rat, and was none too happy with me. Son Nathan loves guitar. Jessie is a writer, while Matt loves to ride motorcycles and shoot. The interesting part is I love the very same things, but whether it’s music, writing, or shooting, they are all better than I am. 

Nathan borrowed my acoustic guitar to take lessons in college. I never got the guitar back, but he catapulted beyond me in playing the instrument. I have the edge on him in bassoon, but that doesn’t really count for much. Jessie has published four books, and her ability to imagine plots and develop characters amazes me. And Matt...well, let’s just say he could outshoot me blindfolded (him, not me). 

So this afternoon when we went shooting and Matt missed his last clay bird, Mattie’s fist pump and accompanying “YESS!” along with an ear-to-ear smile was curiously satisfying. It meant she outshot her dad, no small accomplishment. I wish I had had my phone video turned on to record the joy on her face.

I’ve watched my grandchildren and many of their friends share their faith more openly and boldly than I have ever done. They have accepted faith challenges that put us older folks to shame. Of course, not all kids are like that, but if even a few rise to the challenge, there is great reason to hope for the future.

I believe most parents hope their children can stand upon their shoulders, see further, and accomplish more than they were able to do. I know that’s what I have wanted for my children, and to see my grandchildren kick it up another notch, whether it be following Christ or shooting trap, warms my heart and gives me cause to give thanks tonight.

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