February 15, 2021
It’s late, so the theological ramblings that have been wandering through my mind aren’t going to find their way to the screen tonight. Instead, tonight I am thankful for simple accomplishments. It’s the middle of February and the queen bees should soon start laying eggs for the spring buildup of the colony. The increased activity means they’ll be eating through their honey and pollen stores more quickly than when they were simply clustered, so I figured it is past time to insulate the hives. Last fall when we were cleaning out the church garage, I was given two sheets of closed cell insulation. I cut blocks to fit under my hive covers and installed them before the snow came, and today I made jackets to help keep the heat in for the queen and her brood. When she starts laying, the bees will keep the brood at about 95 degrees, so the insulation will help them get off to a good start.
Other projects finally being done, I started assembling honey frames and hive bodies, getting ready for the spring locust honey flow. The used pneumatic stapler I bought a couple months ago works like a charm, moving the project along much quicker than the old hammer and nails used to do.
Topping it all off, I picked up from the church project a load of discarded lumber that I’m going to use to build a long hive. It will be interesting to see how a different setup will compare with the Langstroth stacking hives commonly used today.
As I said earlier, a lot of theological stuff has been rattling around in my head, but it’s always good to also give thanks for the simple gifts scattered through our daily lives. It’s been a good day, and I am thankful to have been privileged to live it.
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