Thursday, February 25, 2021

Life Support

 February 25, 2021

In the 1950s, Donald McGavran began writing about mission work. While a missionary in India, he noted that some efforts proved very fruitful and others not so much. When he asked why, those who succeeded invariably said that it was because they were being faithful to the Gospel. When he asked those whose ministries struggled, they too said it was because they were being faithful. Success was seen as a sign of God’s blessing upon their faithfulness, but failure was also seen as a sign of faithfulness, except that they were being tested. McGavran decided to look deeper, and in doing so, discovered that there were commonalities to success and different commonalities to failure. From these observations, he eventually headed the school of missionary at Fuller Seminary in California.

I read McGavran and his many students who were on the cutting edge of the church growth movement in the 80’s and 90’s. Putting this learning into practice, our church experienced unprecedented growth in rural Western New York—not exactly the epicenter of congregational potential. In 2003, it all collapsed. I’m still not sure if it was because I got lazy and stopped doing the things necessary to growth, or if we were just putting our trust in human ingenuity. 

One thing I do know: fruitfulness doesn’t come from programs, but from life. Jesus didn’t tell us to follow the right programme, but to abide in him. Like a trellis that supports the vine, programs and the right organization can put structure to life, but cannot produce life. Only Life produces life. I want to be fruitful in life, so I make sure I am connected to the Vine. I also make sure I structure the life God has given me with daily prayer and Bible study, weekly worship, faithful stewardship, and regular service. None of these can produce life, but they do support it.  My nightly writing is part of my spiritual trellis, forcing me to think when my mind would rather be lazy. I am thankful for the Life, and also for the support systems that help with fruitfulness. After all, that’s what Jesus is looking for: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” —John 15:5

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