September 29, 2020
Deuteronomy 23:23–“That which has gone from your lips you shall keep and perform.” Psalm 15:4 puts it differently when speaking of the person able to live on God’s holy mountain—“He who swears to his own hurt and does not change.”
Keeping one’s word is important. I grew up at a time when “a man’s word was his bond,” and a deal made with a handshake was considered inviolable. Today, we prevaricate and look for the slimmest escape clause through which we can wiggle out of our promises; claiming that our words were taken out of context, or that we didn’t really mean what we said. Lawyers get rich on inexact clauses in contracts, but the rest of us are poorer for it. Case in point, our political life is in chaos because of broken promises on both sides of the aisle.
Civil life depends on the kind of stability that can only exist when promises are kept. Jesus told us to let our “yes be yes, and our no be no.” Speaking plainly and honestly, and keeping our promises would prevent a lot of heartache and trouble in this world. What is more, there is no expiration date on integrity. Over fifty years ago, I made a promise to “love, honor, comfort, and keep” Linda. I have to admit, I haven’t always kept that promise as well as I should have. I’ve said hurtful things, put my own feelings and desires ahead of hers; I haven’t perfectly loved her as Christ loves the Church. Thankfully, we have both kept our promises to “keep ourselves only unto each other as long as we both shall live.”
Whether in marriage or life in general, making promises we cannot or will not keep is an offense to God, and a betrayal of our own integrity. Eight years ago, I promised God and myself to refuse to comment on political stuff on Facebook. I’ve slid from that promise and need to focus once more on only that which is positive and uplifting—something that’s in short supply on Facebook. After all, it’s not my responsibility to correct every goofy thing people say or believe, any more than it is their job to correct the goofy things I say and believe. It may be a small matter, but the promise is not. That promise came out of my mouth, and I am bound by my word to keep it. I’m sure many will thank me; those who need a positive word, and those who won’t have to listen to my contrary ramblings. It’s a win-win for which everyone can rejoice.
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