September 11, 2020
It’s the anniversary. Everyone knows it. Nine-eleven has seared its way into our consciousness, even as the national unity we felt the next day has eroded into internecine division and strife. Many see our country as the nexus of evil, irredeemably racist, oppressor of human rights, an example of everything that’s wrong in this world. Those who talk this way have apparently never traveled far from our shores. I’ve spent considerable time in countries where the government promised equality...and delivered. Everyone is poor and oppressed, except the ruling elite.
Tonight is “Meema-Beepa” night. The grandkids started trickling in about 4:30, the last one arriving at 9:00. We had Linda’s mac & cheese, hot dogs, cottage cheese and peas. After “High-Low” where we went around the table naming the high point of the day, and the low point if there was one, the kids headed outside while Linda and I loaded the dishwasher. That being done, we joined them. I trimmed some low hanging branches from a tree and built a campfire. As it got dark, the s’mores made their appearance. I went inside to get some work done when Linda came into the room and said, “Come outside; you have to hear this.” As I walked down the terrace towards the campfire, I could hear the singing. The girls and Nathan were singing gospel songs in three and four part harmony.
The unity we felt nineteen years ago has all but evaporated, but I still have hope as long as I can hear teenagers singing praises in the night. We are blessed and very grateful to be living far from the violence raging in many of our cities, and to have grandchildren who raise their voices in praise to God instead of raising them in angry shouting and cursing. It is a good day, and I am thankful tonight.
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