Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thanksgiving Tablecloth

November 27, 2019

You know you are blessed when you have to add to the Thankful Tablecloth. For sixteen years, we have gathered at our daughter and son-in-law’s for our family’s Thanksgiving celebration. We have a sumptuous feast of chicken cordon-bleu after which the table is cleared and the Tablecloth comes out. Every one of us from the eldest to the youngest writes what they are most thankful for in the past year, after which we ceremoniously light the leg lamp. You heard it right; son-in-law Todd has a leg lamp, complete with packing crate. We play that part of “A Christmas Story” where the father wins a major award, following which we recreate the scene, complete with fully memorized script. With the lighting of the lamp, Christmas season has officially begun for us.

Today was extra-special for Linda. All the grandkids came over to help her decorate by setting up her carolers, the creche, and Bethlehem village. This year, she had them label which ones they wanted when she’s gone. We don’t expect that day anytime soon, but knowing now who wants what will make it easier later on.

Finally, after sixteen years, the Tablecloth is filled, hence the extra piece. Sixteen years of blessings, a visual record of the goodness of God to us. It all began when we were going through the worst year of our lives, at the end of which I was thankful to still be standing. It is a tapestry of births, growth, laughter and tears, but mostly of God’s faithfulness. In many ways, Linda and I like Thanksgiving Eve even more than Christmas, which perhaps is as it should be. Instead of receiving, we are giving thanks for what we have received. Seventeen more entries were recorded this evening, and we give thanks for each one.

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