Friday, November 8, 2019


November 8, 2019

Busy days are usually good days. I pity those whose lives are an endless slough of leisure, who have nothing meaningful to occupy their time. Emma slept most of the afternoon and evening while we were at our granddaughter’s sectional swim meet, and after letting her out for a few minutes to chase whatever she smelled across the creek, she’s curled up on her bed, sound asleep. She’s only a dog, so she doesn’t have any concept of how fleeting life is, no greater purpose than to eat, sleep, chase whatever will run from her, and beg for treats and a pat on the head. We were made for so much more.

Beginning with playing in the band for a Veteran’s Day program at the Fredonia high school, fixing the old apple press and squeezing out a couple gallons of cider, the day continued with playing bassoon for the ensemble performance at the college, changing a headlight, and going to the swim meet. 

This eighth day of November was capped by listening on the way home to David Jeremiah preaching on the radio. Christian radio has no shortage of preachers, but the glut is no match for the plain and orderly presentation of the Word of God this man offers day after day. His treatment of Psalm 13 was masterful as well as practical as he explained how real prayer is not taught in a course or read in a book; we say our prayers till we are desperate. Then, we PRAY! We prefer life to be as easy as Emma’s, but we only grow when we like David, are chased by our Enemy, hounded to despair. Jeremiah noted how in the Psalm, David moved from Trouble to Triumph, but only as he went through Trusting in God. When we stop looking at our troubles, and begin looking to God, we begin to triumph no matter what our circumstances. Nothing in David’s situation changed, but when he looked to God, he changed.

I can’t think of a better way to end the day than with a good word from the Lord. David Jeremiah offered that tonight,and I am thankful.

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