December 19, 2018
Fifty years on, I can still see him in my mind’s eye, leaning over the pulpit, dark wavy hair, square face, holding 3X5 cards as he sang. Unfortunately, I can’t recall his name, but his beautiful tenor voice rang clearly throughout the sanctuary. There were only two songs in his repertoire, and only one which I can recall. To this day, I can sing it from memory—not bad for someone who can’t even remember the lyrics to songs he has written.
“There is singing up in heaven such as we have never known,
Where the angels sing the glories of the Lamb upon his throne.
Their harps are ever tuneful, and their voices strong and clear;
O that we could be more like them as we serve the Master here.
Holy, Holy, is what the angels sing
And I expect to help them make the courts of heaven ring
But when I sing redemption’s story
They will fold their wings
For angels never knew the joys
That our salvation brings.”
The letter to the Hebrews tells us that angels longed to merely get a glimpse of the salvation which has been so freely given to us. They may be enjoying the wonders of heaven, bowing in worship before the throne of God Almighty, but if our salvation is truly the heart of God’s eternal plan, never having sinned, they never enjoy the wonders of redemption.
If however, we read the Scriptures carefully, it’s an even more amazing story. Angels stand continually before the throne of God, ready to do his bidding at a moment’s notice. They shout and praise and worship, but nowhere in Scripture is it recorded that they sing. What is there for them to sing about if they have never known what it means to have sins forgiven, deliverance from bondage, healing of our brokenness? The only song in heaven is the song of the redeemed, and that angels cannot sing. We however, can...and will. And for that, I give thanks tonight.
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