December 14, 2018
It’s the little things that often make a big difference. For instance, there is a big difference between lightning and lightning bug, and a comma is all that differentiates “Let’s eat, grandma!” from “Let’s eat grandma!” A few weeks ago I was regaled with the advantages of having a front-mounted hydraulic-driven plow on a tractor, so I started looking around and found one for a John Deere on Craig’s List.
I emailed and texted the owner to find out what model tractor it had been mounted on, then called our local John Deere dealer to make sure it would fit mine. Here’s where the little things came into play. “Will this work on my 1026R?” I asked.
Pay attention now. “It should,” he answered. Ah...that little word “should.” I “should” have waited until that “should” changed to “would.” Unfortunately, I was a bit too hasty, and shelled out a fair amount of cash for a plow that won’t mount to my tractor without buying a new quick hitch to the tune of about $750. Tonight, I listed the plow and quick hitch on Craig’s List for less than I paid for it. That single word “should” cost me a pretty penny!
“Do you love me?” Jesus asked his disciples (and those of us who read his words). He didn’t ask if we admire, like, respect, obey, or believe in him. All those words are important, but he used that little word, “love.” He isn’t talking about feelings here; he describes what he means when he went on to say, “Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends.” When Jesus asks if we love him, he is inquiring about our willingness to sacrifice for him, to deny ourselves, release to him our plans, hopes and dreams, in a totally unbridled commitment to him.
I can like Jesus, admire him, even do the things he commands, but if love isn’t behind it all, it has no value. Little things mean a lot, so I’m grateful tonight for that little word “should” that cost me dearly but also taught me to pay attention to even the small things Jesus says.
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