Friday, November 16, 2018

This Marvelous World

November 16, 2018

The vineyards shiver before the wind blown snow, bereft of foliage, mere stock and canes clinging to their wires. A mere two months ago, they were pregnant with promise, grapes hanging plump and sweet in their clusters. Now they rest, awaiting the vinedresser to come with pruning shears, cutting off all that would drain the vine from strength needed in the springtime for new buds.

We live in an amazing world. The clothes I wear, the plastic of my keyboard, the glass of the screen, the metals that form connections for the circuits, even the coffee sitting beside me—everything is product of this planet earth, a gift from a creative and loving God who gave it to us to tend and keep as his emissaries. 

The ingenuity and intelligence he placed within us has enabled us to achieve wondrous heights, but also allows us to plumb abominable depths, both of which we humans have often done with abandon, forgetting that we are but stewards—managers of all he has placed before us. Before the weekend is done, I will have taken products of this world and shaped them into panels and tiles for the bathroom project. My daughter in law thinks I am wonderful for this, but it is only possible because of the gifts this world and its Maker have bestowed. I am but a small piece of the puzzle, but am thankful for the strength and knowledge to do what I can. Any time we use what God has given to make even a small part of this world a better place, we participate in his Creation story, giving him praise. How neat is that?

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