November 8, 2018
“Now go and tell his disciples, including Peter, that Jesus is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there, just as he told you before he died.” —Mark 16:7 NLT
Jesus’ disciples weren’t exactly at their courageous best when he was arrested. According to all four of the Gospels, they all panicked and beat feet. But Peter is singled out as particularly cowardly. I don’t think he was any worse than the others, but he seems to have had a reputation as a loudmouth and braggart, so perhaps he unwittingly asked for the special attention he got. Along with the rest, he vehemently declared that though all others might abandon Jesus, he would even die for him. Well, that didn’t happen; at least not yet. That day would come, but on this night he denied even knowing Jesus. Three times he repeated his denial till on the last occasion, Jesus caught his eye, and Peter broke down. I can imagine he believed himself beyond redemption.
The Gospel of Mark is widely believed by scholars to be based on Peter’s preaching, so when he alone of all the Gospel writers notes that after the resurrection Jesus specifically mentioned him by name, we have a record of Peter’s amazement at being once more the recipient of Jesus’ special gracious attention instead of being rejected.
This is good news indeed! At the very place of our failure where we could expect rejection, we find not only forgiveness, but Jesus actively seeking and singling us out as objects of his loving attention. As many times as I’ve effectively denied Jesus, I am thankful he not only forgives; he goes looking for me at the very moment I would expect him to turn away.
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