Thursday, May 10, 2018


May 10, 2018

It’s been a long time since I’ve been this sick. I wasn’t feeling my best, so I turned in about 9:00 last night. It all began about a half hour later. Hershey Squirts, puking into a wastebasket, sweating like I was in a sauna. Every fifteen minutes or so, it was back to the bathroom for another episode. Other than those brief interludes, I’ve been in bed for the past eighteen hours, and my body feels it. Everything aches. But I’m not looking for sympathy. This little interlude has given me a new appreciation for those who undergo chemo for cancer. Returning to the chemo just about the time you’re feeling somewhat normal takes a lot of courage and strength. I am in awe of those who do it, week after week. 

Then there are those who are bedridden for months or years at a time. Eighteen hours of being confined to my bed, and my body is screaming for relief. Those who are thus confined for extended periods of time have my respect. 

For me, this is already passing. I’m no longer nauseous, although everything hurts. In a few days, things should be back to normal. I am grateful for that, even as I tip my hat to those for whom nausea and pain is an everyday, and never ending ordeal.

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