Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Just a Little Cut

May 23, 2018

Seasonal tasks are usually pretty humdrum, but once in awhile...

It was past time to change out the winter tires, and the afternoon being warm and sunny, I decided today was the day. We are fortunate to have our snow tires on separate rims, so it’s a job I can actually tackle myself. Roll out the floor jack, fire up the compressor, get the air driver, socket and extender, and we’re in business. About three quarters of an hour was all I needed. I almost forgot to check the tire pressure, which would have been a big mistake. Three of the four were right up to snuff, but the right rear was down to about ten pounds. Odd, that only one had lost air. 

When I was pumping up that rear tire I noticed it; a cut on the sidewall extending almost to the bead. No wonder it had gone flat! 

It’s not all bad; they were near the end of their tread life with only 2/32” left before they would have had to be replaced anyway. That cut tire decided the matter for me. I had been debating whether to replace the set, but cheapskate that I am, I would have run a marginal set through the summer, which isn’t really a very smart move; tires and brakes are not the place to cut corners, especially with the wife’s car. A phone call later, and I have a new set ordered. 

God watches over children and fools. Too many summers have passed for me to be considered a child, so that only leaves one option. I’m thankful tonight for a cut tire that prompted me to do what I should have done at the beginning, and I’m thankful that God reminded me to check the pressure before driving off. I feel better knowing my wife will be riding on new tread. 

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