Monday, October 30, 2017


October 30, 2017

Some Do It Yourself projects aren’t. Our hot water tank has been leaking for at least a week, at first just a slight dribble, but gradually expanding to a small, but steady stream that ran across the basement floor all the way to the other end of the house. Prices for new ones ranged from about $400 all the way to over a thousand, not including the tankless models which cost more and have extra (read: “more expensive”) installation requirements. 

Looking over the supply and outgoing lines, I noticed that the shutoff valve was between the coupling and the tank on the supply, and nonexistent on the hot line, and everything was wedged in a tiny space between the furnace and the cellar wall. It took about three trips to the basement to examine the situation before I decided that wisdom would be best served by hiring a plumber. I’ve tackled similar jobs that before I was finished had me running multiple times to the hardware for pieces and parts I hadn’t realized I needed. 

Most of the time, jobs that I think would take me a couple hours end up a couple days later, finished, but frustrating. As I watched the plumber do his work, I realized I had made the right decision. He had to completely remove the gas line just to get to the tank before cutting the supply pipes with an angle grinder. All told, he was done in a couple of hours, and his bill wasn’t a lot more than the price of one of the better models at the store. He earned his money and we have hot water!

I brought him some coffee and we talked as he worked. He had done some work for us before, so he asked how life was going for us. I told him about my non-retirement; he was surprised, having no idea what a pastor’s daily life is like. I told him that just as I could technically do his work, he technically could do mine; it would just take a bit longer for each of us. In his wisdom, God placed us both where we (hopefully) can do the most good. After the last time he worked for me, he came to church. Once. Maybe he’ll come again and give me the opportunity to bless him as he blessed me. If so, I’ll have double reason to give thanks.

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