Friday, October 20, 2017

Dirt and Diamonds

October 21, 2017

It’s been awhile since the table was full, but tonight, not a single grandchild was missing. We even added a couple—Emmanuel and one of Jo’s diving teammates sat in wide-eyed amazement as after dinner we were entertained with loud and rousing choruses of various Veggie Tale songs, followed by dunking for apples. 

The meteor shower tonight is a wonder of Creation, Thousands, perhaps millions of people will stay up late to witness the dazzling light show. There may even be a few “ooh’s” and “ahh’s,” but in this household, there is no star show as glorious as what we experienced around the table tonight. 

In writer’s group this morning, we were talking about the discipline of writing. It isn’t as easy as it may appear. Sometimes it takes time to think of something worth putting into words and sentences. Sometimes, I have to stretch for it; if I wait for inspiration, it would be a long time between articles. I know not everything I write has value, but it’s like mining for diamonds; you have to move a lot of dirt to get to the ore. There’s a lot of dirt and precious few diamonds in these lines. Most of what I write is pretty localized, which is why I titled my blog “Refrigerator Word Art.” Like a kid’s pictures that grandparents proudly display on the refrigerator, they don’t mean much to anyone else, but maybe, just maybe, these words will cause you to pause, look at your own refrigerator, and give thanks for what is uniquely yours.

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