Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Zig and Zag

September 27, 2017

You know that God is at work when the best part of an introvert’s day is meeting new people. And if God is going to work in anyone else’s life, he starts by working in my own. I may be getting old, but I’m still pretty observant (about some things. Just ask Linda; she’ll fill you in on the details). If we were set side by side, Pastor Joe is the zig to my zag, the tick to my tock, the extrovert to my introvert. What I mean to say is, I’ve watched him for three years, and although he is younger than my kids, I’ve learned a trick or two from him. He wades into a crowd with a big smile and a “Hi, I’m Joe!” to which people respond like a drowning man to a life ring. 

Today after finishing the outline of my sermon, I met two young Hispanic women who needed food, directed them to where some was available, then took a stroll down the street to visit a couple who have been newly coming to church. We had a great time on their front porch, talking, laughing, and dreaming of a better future for them and for the congregation. I walked back with a much lighter heart than when I left the church an hour earlier. 

So tonight, I am thankful for the faithful and consistent example of hospitality Joe lives. I should add, that my wife is the same contrast to me that Joe is, but not in a pastoral role. I suppose after 47 years together, I should have learned more from her, but although I am able to learn, I am still in many ways a s-l-o-w learner. So in addition to Joe’s example, I’m thankful tonight for Linda’s patient endurance. She deserves a medal, but would probably prefer something a bit more practical, like real jewelry. 

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