Monday, September 11, 2017

This 9-11

September 11, 2017

Sixteen years ago, over 2,000 lives were snuffed out in a naked act of terrorism. People went to work in the morning as usual, never imagining that their lives would end in fear and suffering before the day was through. Many never had the opportunity to say goodbye to their loved ones, to kiss their children one last time, even to say final prayers. Many no doubt, just like the rest of us, had unresolved conflicts, were grieving broken relationships, struggling with addiction, in over their heads in debt. We have heard the stories of heroism, of courage and faith, but the all-too-common stories of failure and regret were also buried in the debris that fateful morning.

It’s almost a social media obligation to say something about 9-11, but there’s only so much remembering we can do. So I’ll take a different track, and take the time to remember the things for which I am thankful today. I do this because there might not be a tomorrow to do it. 

I am thankful to live where I do, in rural upstate New York. Yes, the taxes are burdensome, but we don’t have hurricanes, only an occasional tornado, and haven’t had a wildfire within memory. The snow can be deep in the winter, but if you plan ahead, it won’t knock down your house. Jobs are scarce, the economy is dicey, but the traffic is much more agreeable than what I drove through today in Toronto. Our kids and grandkids actually have yards and fields to play in, and most of the people I know are pretty decent folk. 

Last night, a friend in Canada opened his home to me, fed me late at night, kept my coffee cup full, and regaled me with stories till it was time to hit the hay.

Today when I was driving, a kindly attendant at a convenience store gave me directions to the road I needed. Middle-aged, sandy haired, with a puffy nose and ample belly, he proved that angels come in all sizes and shapes. The sun was shining, the road home was easy, and going through customs was a breeze. And now I’m home again, after a two-day jaunt almost to Montreal. My bed is warm. Linda is by my side. It is never out of style to give thanks, and tonight I do it knowing there are people tonight for whom gratitude will be a genuine statement of faith.

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