Saturday, August 5, 2017

More Than You See

August 5, 2017

Sometimes, what you see is only part of what you get. If you were to meet a certain friend of mine, you would be impressed by his quick smile and readiness to serve Christ. You would soon also discern an enthusiasm that at times gets him, or those who work with him, into a bit of a tight spot. I could tell a story or two about that, but shall refrain out of respect for him; it wouldn’t be proper to tell stories without his approval. In conversations we’ve had, having grown up in a third-world culture, he has confided a certain discomfort with Western society; it’s difficult for him to read some of the cultural cues we take for granted, and he feels like an outsider in his native land. 

This evening, I have been reading a proposal for Christian education that he has put together. As I read, I became increasingly aware that I was reading the words of a man who has thought deeply about his subject, and who sees more comprehensively and further than I could even begin to imagine. His evaluation of our present situation, and his ability to collate and synthesize  the data within a cohesive system of thought is simply staggering. Tonight, I am thankful to know this man and to call him my friend and colleague. There is much more to him than I realized. I have much to learn from him, and look forward to experiencing how he will expand my horizons for the Kingdom of God.

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