Monday, August 28, 2017


August 28, 2017

It’s 9:30 pm. The day started ordinarily enough at about 7:00 am, a little later than usual. After working out, I fixed breakfast for Linda and myself; I’m actually getting pretty good at omelettes, one of the very few things I can cook that you’d want anywhere near your mouth. A couple hours at the church putting Scriptures and sermon theme together for the bulletin was followed by a very productive lunch meeting, before heading home to cut down and cut up a tree in our backyard with the help of my wife and granddaughter Jo. Have you ever wondered why we cut up a tree? I can see why we cut it down, but shouldn’t we then cut it apart? Why cut it up? The English language can be very confusing.

By the time the tree was finished and I had showered, it was time for supper, then men’s group. And now I’m home again. I haven’t had time to practice my bass or to do any reading or even watch TV, the latter of which is probably a good thing. It’s not a life that will be recorded in history books; I certainly haven’t accomplished the gargantuan goals that some have reached, but each day is a new gift that I don’t want to squander on things of little importance. 

I don’t understand people who say they are bored with life. I can understand when people’s bodies no longer serve them well, but if we are reasonably healthy, how can we get to the point where life holds no interest? I’ll never live long enough to do and see all that interests me. I am thankful for the health I’ve been given, the new opportunities and challenges that keep coming my way, and for the grace and goodness of my Lord Jesus Christ that keeps tugging at my heart, opening it up to the amazing vistas of the Almighty God, our Heavenly Father. At the same time, I pray for those caught in life situations that carry them to the edge of despair, like those enduring Hurricane Harvey. May grace, relief, and deliverance come to them. If we have been spared such disaster, it is so we may do what we can to offer assistance.

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