Many years ago, I had an experience that had never happened to me before, and hasn't since, although tonight I received a gift that equaled it. Back in 1978 or 9, I drove from our home in Alabama, NY, to Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester to visit an elderly church member who was hospitalized there. It was a terrible February day which gave me a singular adventure in and of itself, but that's another story. The elderly man I was visiting was an old ham-fisted (really!) farmer who was experiencing the trials of congestive heart failure. He loved to play checkers, so I brought my board along. We played a few games, talked a bit, and then I read the Scriptures and prayed for him.
I finished the prayer, said "Amen," but before I could open my eyes, he grabbed my hand and began praying for me. I was stunned; I had never had a hospital visit turned tables on me like that, and experienced in a fresh way the power of prayer. Pastors tend to do most of the praying; it goes with the territory, and other than those occasions where everyone prays around the table, those duties usually fall to the pastor. I floated on the power of that simple prayer for days, and as you can see, its impact is still being felt. I know people pray for their pastor. I pray for my pastor nearly every day. But having someone right there in front of you bringing your name to the Father is an amazing experience.
So tonight, when I received a letter from a young woman in which she not only told me of her prayers for me, but actually wrote that prayer out, I was again deeply moved, almost to tears. People often tell me they're praying for me. They don't often actually do it so I can hear it. I know; I'm not the One to whom they're talking, but it is nice to listen in on the conversation; that way I not only receive the benefit of the prayer itself, but also of the blessing being imparted. I am grateful tonight for those who pray for me. I am especially grateful for Michelle, who not only told me of her prayers for me, but also took the time to write them out so that in addition to God hearing, I also could hear the cry of her heart, and the blessing she bestowed.
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