Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Electronic Love: a Beautiful Thing!

March 3, 2015

After the expense of fixing all the things around here that have broken in the past few weeks, I was not; I mean, I was definitely NOT looking forward to my trip to AT&T to find out why my keyboard and iPad were no longer on speaking terms. Was it something the keyboard said that caused the iPad to clam up? Or was the iPad jealous that the keyboard was getting too much attention? I don't know the origin of this electronic lover's quarrel, but when their personal differences spill over into my personal space, making things difficult for me, it's time to step in. So, I did. Step in, that is. But only after I had opened the door to the store. It doesn't look good to step in before opening the door.

Once inside, I met Nikki, a young blonde who obviously knows a whole lot more about this stuff than I do. That's why she's working there instead of me. I explained my problem and asked if she would be willing to offer relationship counseling to my two estranged lovers. Having graciously agreed, she proceeded to work her magic, and within just a few minutes, had discerned the source of the problem; a breakdown in communication. She ordered a short separation, and voila! When they got back together, they were cooing sweet nothings in each other's electronic ears. It was so touching to behold that I shut the cover so they could be alone. The best part of it all was that Nikki didn't even charge me for her expert electronic counseling. My keyboard and iPad are all lovey-dovey and tonight, I am a happy, thankful man.

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