Saturday, November 9, 2024

Hard Promises

 November 9, 2024

Yesterday I wrote of the difference between questioning God’s ability and questioning his method. The first is unbelief, the other is doubt. Unbelief is universally condemned in the Bible because it questions the character and power of God. Doubt is more subtle. It’s our usual human response to things we cannot fathom. It’s OK to doubt as long as we don’t let it degrade into unbelief.

Today I want to look at a verse that follows the visit of Gabriel to both Zechariah and Mary. Mary has been told she would have a baby and has gone to visit her cousin Elizabeth who is six months pregnant with the baby Gabriel had promised to her husband. As Mary enters the room, Elizabeth’s baby suddenly jumps in her womb, provoking these words from Elizabeth:

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” —Luke 1:45 

This is a promise to Mary, but not only to Mary, but to us also. There is no “maybe” with God. When we pray in faith according to God’s will, there WILL be a fulfillment. You don’t have to wonder when you pray for someone’s salvation. You don’t have to wonder if you pray to be more like Jesus. There WILL be a fulfillment.

That being said, we must also be ready for all that fulfillment entails. Mary visited her cousin as a virgin, and came back home pregnant. You don’t have to imagine Joseph’s reaction. Matthew tells us all about it. And you can bet if Joseph wondered, so did others. When nine months pregnant, she had to travel, gave birth in a stable, and some thirty years later watched her son die a cruel death on the cross. When God fulfills his promise, it isn’t always sugar and cream. But it is good. Never forget that.

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