Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Truth and Righteousness

August 6, 2024

“Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,” —Ephesians 6:14 

I think it’s important that Paul connects truth and righteousness together. We can often easily be convinced that something is true, only to find out later that we’ve been duped. A friend who encourages you to do what you know to be wrong is not your friend. From fake websites and scam artists to preachers who say one thing and do another, we’ve all been taken in by skilled conmen. We thought what they were telling us was true, but it wasn’t.

One way to guard against this is to always keep truth and righteousness hand in hand. I’m not going to get good financial advice from someone who won’t keep their marriage vows, no matter how skilled they may be. I won’t get true Bible teaching from someone who is greedy, prideful, lustful. He or she may have a PhD in Biblical studies, but without righteousness, sooner or later “Truth” will go off the rails.

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