August 31, 2024
“praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints—” —Ephesians 6:18
Being watchful is not much use if we fail to persevere. When driving, it’s easy to get distracted. When I was growing up, it was changing channels on the radio, or the driver dropping a hot cigarette ash in his lap. Today it’s cell phones. Or maybe just turning your head to see something that caught your eye. It only takes a second for tragedy to strike. Being watchful is a full time job.
Peter tells us that the Enemy of our souls is constantly prowling around looking for someone to devour. Like a lion, he probes for the weak spots, the vulnerable and defenseless. If we let up on our watchfulness, he is right at hand, ready to strike. So even if you don’t see him or sense his presence, be aware that he is like the sniper, patiently waiting for that time your guard is down. The best way to be aware of him is to be even more aware of Jesus. When the devil tempted Jesus in the desert, he failed because Jesus had spent 40 days getting close to his Father. Because he was aware of his Father, he was prepared to face the devil. It works the same for us.
You don’t need to be paranoid about him; Jesus is greater. But we do need to be wise about him so we can give Jesus room in our lives to defeat him.