Monday, August 23, 2021

Pastoral Prayers

 August 22, 2021

This girl is headed off to college where I’m sure she will cause just as much excitement as she has in our lives. It is a precious privilege to watch your grandchildren grow up and mature while maintaining their zest for adventure. I don’t know if people really do have their own guardian angels, but if they do, Izzi must have been given two so they can tag team it. We love you, Izzi…more!

August 23, 2021

“Do not cease to cry out to the LORD our God for us…then Samuel cried out to the LORD for Israel, and the LORD answered him.” —1 Samuel 7:8-9

“Far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD in ceasing to pray for you.”

—1 Samuel 12:23

Samuel was a man of prayer. Whatever leadership he exercised over Israel, it was birthed and nourished in prayer, so much so that when the people were in a tight spot, they begged him to not just pray, but to pray continually. And, as James tells us, “the effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”

When the children of Israel decided they needed a king instead of a judge, Samuel was essentially deposed. He stepped aside, anointing Saul, who proved to be a disappointment, then David, who became a man after God’s own heart. In his farewell speech to the nation, unlike most contemporary politicians, he didn’t boast of his accomplishments or blast the incoming administration. He simply passed the torch and continued to pray for his people and his new king. A measure of his greatness was his determination to pray for, instead of undermining those who rejected him. 

If I have failed in anything as a pastor, it has been in not praying enough. Prayerlessness not only deprives God’s people of the spiritual protection they need and deserve; it is a sin against God himself. I’ve cried out for the people, but not with the intensity and consistency of Samuel. Fortunately, even at my age, I’ve only begun. At 85, Caleb was eager and ready to conquer mountains for God. If he can do that at 85, surely I can serve Jesus at 72! The best part is that in retirement, I have time to tackle some of the projects that got put on a back burner during those years of ministry. And I have time to pray, so pray, I will.

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