Sunday, May 16, 2021

Joyful Trials

 May 16, 2021

“Consider it all joy when you fall into various trials,” James tells us (1:2). Trials and difficulties are not joyous in and of themselves; that goes without saying. There is no escaping them—sooner or later, they come to us all. James uses an interesting word here when speaking of our attitude towards problems, an accounting term—Consider, i.e. don’t let your emotions determine your response to your experiences. 

Our emotions cause us to react rather than respond. Think about the difference between those two words. When we take medicine, we hope for a response, not a reaction. A reaction is inevitably counterproductive, both in medicine and life. When in trials we consider it a joy, we are choosing to respond instead of react. We are taking control of our emotions, but it requires an examination of not only our circumstances, but of our hearts, going deeper than the events around us to the inner secrets and fears we all have. 

This morning in worship, Brandon said, “Don’t fall victim to the moment and miss the meaning.” “Consider” James tells us; think through your situation to the Savior who speaks to you in it. We don’t have to let trouble trouble us. We can bring our trials to Christ, and in doing so, discover the joy of his presence in the midst of the pain.

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