Tuesday, April 6, 2021


 April 6, 2021

In his old age, John Newton, the former slave trader who came to Christ, became a minister of the Gospel, and wrote the lyrics to “Amazing Grace,” spoke of how often God had reached out to him, “but I forgot.” Over his desk he had the word “Remember” carved. The Scriptures repeatedly call on us to remember...where we were, and what God has done for us.

The tote in my closet has a stack of old journals with years of reflections in them; I’ve never reviewed any of them. Some contain confessions and prayers I wouldn’t want to see the light of day; funny how easily I remember the failures but cannot recall the successes. Whenever he fills up a journal, before starting another, my son reviews it to recall what the Lord has done. Maybe I should do that, too. Looking only in the rearview mirror isn’t a good way to drive, but it is good to glance at it occasionally, especially if backing up. It’s not good for navigating the future, but can give perspective on the past.

The first entry in my last journal was for August 8, 2020; not that long ago. We were in the throes of the pandemic by then, in full lockdown. Even without my journal, I can remember many of my thoughts and reactions to the limitations being imposed. “Two weeks to flatten the curve” was our governor’s deceptive mantra. That first entry was a commentary on Romans 12:1-2, about conforming to this world. Genuine nonconformity is harder than it looks, and I didn’t always do well at it. As St. Paul said, it takes a renewed mind to be a non conforming one, which requires we spend more time in the Word than in the world. It’s taken the entire 365 days since the pandemic began for me to actually let it go, and even now, it’s a struggle. In 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, we are instructed to “take every thought captive to Christ.” My thoughts keep wanting to escape and run wild. As soon as I rope one in, another breaks loose. The only corral strong enough to keep them where they belong is the Word of God. So I keep reading, prayerfully, remembering God’s unceasing mercy, and thankful for his continual grace which keeps drawing me back, reeling me in.

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