Sunday, November 8, 2020

At Your Word

 November 8, 2020

“Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless, at your word, I will let down the net.” —Nevertheless at your word—the old maxim that doing the same thing will only give the same results is not always true. “At your word” changes everything.

If you’ve ever been discouraged, felt like a failure, worked hard only to see your efforts melt away like snow on a sunny spring day, you know how Peter felt that morning. After another fruitless night fishing, Jesus told Peter to launch out into deep water and try again. Peter’s response was what most of us would have said; “C’mon, Jesus, we’ve tried that and it didn’t work. Maybe another day.” I wonder if I would have, as Peter did, follow my hesitation with surrender.

Three conditions must be met for success:

  1. Jesus must be Master. If I usurp that role, all bets are off. It isn’t my place to make the rules or decide reality. I don’t get to choose which commands I will follow and which I will ignore. Absolute surrender to Jesus Christ is absolutely necessary even if I can’t understand his ways.
  2. I must be able to discern and willing to obey his word. There are many imposters, not only in this life, but in the spiritual realm as well. The Enemy constantly whispers in our ear; fear is his greatest tool, and when life turns dark and hard, he will use fear to speak his lies into our hearts and minds. Recognizing the voice of Jesus and surrendering to his command, even if it seems absurd, is essential if I am to be successful.
  3. Willingness to stand alone. The text is subtle here; “We” labored all night vs. “I” will let down the net. The lyrics to the old gospel song ring true: “Though none go with me, still I will follow...” Peter’s decision to obey resulted in success for them all, but it always takes one who will stand out and be first to say yes. 

The decision is mine: Is Jesus Master? Will I train myself to hear and obey his word? Will I follow even if no one goes with me? Will I cast my net one more time? Just one more time...?

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