Friday, June 19, 2020


June 19, 2020

When I started writing my daily musings, it was all about gratitude—the often small things for which I was thankful that day. Over time, it morphed into theological, personal, and Scriptural reflections, but I’ve always tried to write from a foundation of gratitude. Today, it was easy. The ride to and from my dentist appointment this morning was a continually changing flow of shape, color, temperature, sound, and scent, all teasing the senses for miles on end. 

Arriving home, I quickly changed and went to son Matthew’s house, where we did a little more work on his kitchen ceiling. His brother Nate, who loves carpentry as much as Matt hates it, had given his brother a drywall tip that saved us at least an hour of nasty, dusty work. Later in the afternoon, Matt came over to help me adjust the brakes on my Ural in preparation for tomorrow’s ride. Getting the rear wheel off and on is always a struggle of competing clearances. Having another set of hands made the job go much faster and easier.

This evening, the grandkids are here again, and hearing the things that made their day special was as always, a treat. And later, I was able to teach grandson Nathan to use the loader on the tractor to scoop up a large rock, move it, and lay it down where I wanted it. Watching him maneuver the loader gave me great joy. 

With all the unrest, anger, and sorrow in the world, It’s good to step back and count the blessings. My cup is full tonight, and I drink deeply.

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