April 12, 2020 Easter
In his sunrise service meditation this morning, pastor Joe mentioned in passing that in both
Matthew and Mark's gospels, there is a little phrase in the angels' message to the women at the tomb that Luke and John don't record. The angels said, "He is risen, just as he promised." Its that “just as he promised” that caught my attention.
We all make promises, and most of the time we intend to keep them. But sometimes things happen outside of our control that prevent us from keeping the promise we made. Sometimes we make promises we know we cannot keep simply to appease someone—to avoid conflict. Even if we keep most of our promises, none of us keeps them all.
Jesus promised he would rise from the dead. If there were any promise more unlikely to be fulfilled, this would be it. Death is pretty much a promise-breaker; but he kept this impossible promise! And if he kept this impossible promise, why would we think he will not keep his other promises; the promises of forgiveness, that he would never leave or forsake us, that he is preparing a place for us, and will one day receive us to himself to be with him forever?
The problem we have is distinguishing what we want Jesus to have promised and what he actually promised. When we are facing financial ruin, when it’s our family torn apart by alcohol, drugs, abuse, or neglect, when the one for whom we earnestly prayed dies, we remember all the Bible stories and say, “You promised, Lord!” But did he? What God promises, God fulfills. The Scripture is filled with his promises, of provision, protection, forgiveness, grace we don’t deserve, wisdom beyond our own, eternal life.
“Just as he promised!” is our hope and confidence in a world all topsy-turvy, so rejoice and be glad this Easter morning! Christ is risen!
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