March 22, 2020
It seemed strange this morning, walking into the near-empty sanctuary to prepare for worship. Like many others, Park church is taking COVID-19 seriously, cancelling on-site worship as a responsible precaution. There were just ten of us in the building; the five members of the worship team, three media technicians, and pastors Joe and Brandon. The morning began with Nate leading the team in a devotional and prayer, reminding us of the unchanging presence and favor of our God even in times like these.
Technical difficulties in the live streaming kept the media team busy while pastors Joe and Brandon guided us through the new reality of our gathering by first telling us how they had prayed together for the church for twenty minutes prior to worship. As we sang our way through the songs and listened to the preaching, I was convicted by the Holy Spirit.
Over the past seven years, I’ve worked hard at writing only that for which I am thankful. In 2012, I was convicted of my disobedience to the command of 1 Thessalonians 5:18–“In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I didn’t realize how much criticism and complaining had built up in my heart until the Holy Spirit opened my eyes to this verse. And I didn’t know how hard it would be to switch gears and speak only that which would edify and encourage people. I seemed to have some perverse need inside me to critique and correct that which didn’t measure up to my standards. And I didn’t realize how little others paid attention to that criticism. It’s hard to believe how obtuse I had been for all those years, especially since I was a pastor.
I worked on it, and did pretty well, but I’ve noticed that even when giving thanks, I’ve developed the tendency to precede the gratitude with my displeasure with whatever is going on in the world, as if anyone needs to hear it. Thus my confession. If in reading what I’ve written, you’ve detected a note of sarcasm, bitterness, or complaint, please forgive me. And join me in giving thanks to the Lord and to his servants today who brought me into his presence and under his conviction. These are challenging times, requiring of us an extra measure of grace, and offering extra opportunities to bless others with the Good News of Jesus Christ, who has transformed, and continues to transform my life. Joe, Brandon, Nate, and team, I am humbled to stand beside you. Thank you for leading with wisdom, grace, and with steady hands and hearts.
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