October 24, 2019
Her eyes brimmed with excitement as we dumped the pieces on the table and began to sort through them. Edge pieces to one side, patiently turning over the ones that fell upside down. Little Gemma loves jigsaw puzzles, as does her big sister Eliza. It began last Friday when they stayed overnight, and by Sunday afternoon, it was done, but instead of admiring their handiwork, Gemma was ready to immediately tackle another one. Each individual piece makes little sense by itself. We start with the edge pieces so we know the boundaries within which everything else fits. Bit by bit, we match shape and color, till the picture begins to reveal itself, and we keep the box nearby so the picture on the cover can guide us as we work.
I often feel my life is a lot like that jigsaw puzzle. There are bright pieces, dark shadowy pieces, neither of which make much sense individually. Naturally, I prefer the bright colored pieces of my life, and often rail against the darkness that makes no sense to me if I fail to look at the picture on the box. God has shown us the picture; it’s the redemption of all Creation through his Son, Jesus Christ. As long as I keep my eye on that picture, even the dark pieces dutifully take their place. They’re still dark, but in the completed puzzle, they have their place.
The edges are the boundaries set in the Gospel and the Word of God. People often ignore the boundaries or rebel against them, but they help hold the picture together, giving it structure. Tonight, I am thankful that though I am puzzled by the dark piece that is the death of my friend, I can see the picture God has provided in Christ, and know that for my friend, the dark pieces are no more.
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