Sunday, August 18, 2019


August 18, 2019

Loneliness and alienation are the curse of this generation. I read recently that 20% of Millenials can’t name a single friend. For a generation that is supposed to be the most connected in history, that is a significant indictment. The social media which was supposed to bring us together has instead divided us as we hide behind its anonymity while berating and arguing with people we’ve never met. The systems and organizations upon which a civilized society is built have been largely jettisoned—social clubs, civic organizations, churches, volunteer fire departments, and even families, are all struggling to survive, robbing people of the face-to-face connections through which we learn how to cooperate, compromise, and resolve conflict without resorting to threats, insults, or violence. 

This morning, I had the privilege of worshipping with two different congregations, meeting people, talking, laughing, listening to their stories...connecting with flesh-and-blood people. Had there been no songs, no prayers, no sermon, I would still have been blessed by the connections. 

This afternoon, I joined the Walk for Life, sponsored by Options Care Center, raising money for their pregnancy care ministry. My wife and I spent a pleasant afternoon, meeting people of like mind...connecting. And in the evening, we received a phone call from our granddaughter away at college, helped our grandson put the finishing touches on the keyboard tray for his computer desk, and sat and talked with each other. 

I know people who don’t have that much positive face-to-face contact with people in an entire month. These connections are soul-strengtheners, building me up, encouraging me, making me a better man. I am grateful for each person I met today. They did more for me than they could imagine. 

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