July 29, 2019
Though he was the most powerful man on earth, the king was worried, uncertain about his grasp on that power. When you sit at the top, you become keenly aware of your vulnerability. One who would remain king of the mountain must diligently guard against usurpers. You don’t know who you can trust, and wonder which one of the sycophants who surround you is secretly plotting your downfall. Sleep for such a man can be troubling, dreams filled with bogeymen. Nebuchadnezzar dreamed such a dream, a reflection of his unrest. Upon awakening, he wanted answers, and called his counselors together for a little face-to-face. It didn’t go well.
When they couldn’t give him the answers he wanted, he resorted to threats. “You’re stalling for time,” he raged, worried that they were waiting for an opportune time to stage a coup. “You have agreed to speak lying and corrupt words before me till the time has changed.” (Daniel 2:8-9).
“Time” is an important word in the First Testament book of Daniel. Nebuchadnezzar’s fear was that his time was running out, coming to an end, even though his rule was outwardly uncontested. His unrest and uncertainty is our blessing. Through his fear of time, Daniel speaks of a time to come when the kingdoms of this world shall become the kingdom of Christ. I’ve listened to many a preacher whose message seems to focus on the the blessings of this world that come with following Christ. Like Nebuchadnezzar, they imagine there is security in power, riches, and fame, but ask anyone whose health is shattered, who is staring Death in the face, and you quickly learn the inestimable value of time.
Daniel answered [the king] and said: “Blessed be the name of God forever and ever. He changes the times and the seasons; He removes kings and raises up kings.” (Daniel 2:20-21 NKJV) That time is yet to come, and when it does, the fears of this world’s power brokers and the hopes of God’s people will will be realized. In the meantime, time itself is God’s gift and blessing, to be invested for the day when “time shall be no more.” (Revelation 10:6).
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