February 21, 2018
As we turned the corner at the top of the hill, we could see the open fields spread out before us in the glorious shining white splendor of the ice-covered snow glistening in the sunlight. The hills on the other side of the valley rose in waves that gradually faded into the horizon, the fields and woodlots in a checkered pattern across our vision. I was accompanying my granddaughter Izzi as she practiced her driving in preparation for her road test in a few months. Our little corner of the world isn’t particularly prosperous; there were some nice homes at the crests of the hills, but in the valleys poverty ruled over the modest to shabby domiciles.
Their folks being away for the night, Izzi and Jo came to spend the night with us, regaling us with stories of their latest trip to New York City with our church’s mission team. They worshipped at Brooklyn Tabernacle and Times Square Church, served the homeless as part of the NYSUM (New York School of Urban Ministry) team headquartered there, and prayed for people as they rode the Staten Island ferry. They love working in the city, and love living in the country. These kids are far bolder in sharing their faith than I was at that age, and our son has stretched kids’ faith and courage for nearly fifteen years by leading teams every February. I am thankful tonight for the beauty that surrounds me almost everywhere I look, but even more for the beauty of soul and spirit I see in my grandchildren and their friends who are always eager to serve Christ at home and in the city.
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