Tuesday, August 7, 2018


August 7, 2018

“In him (Christ) we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace.” (Ephesians 1:7)

Anyone who has taken their old cans or bottles back to the store to claim the deposit knows something about redemption. There are even places that deal solely in this exchange, even calling themselves redemption centers. It’s a pretty simple concept with profound implications. When we purchase the original product, we pay a deposit that we later claim when we return the empties. It’s an illustration of what God has done for us in Christ. Before we were even born, he paid the redemption price on the Cross. Paul even goes so far as to say that this deal was set before the foundation of the world. And when we were used up and empty, he took us just as we were and gave us something valuable in return—new life.

This redemption has a singular identifying characteristic—the forgiveness of sins. As I would need to take my empties to the redemption center to receive the deposit, similarly, I need to recognize my own emptiness and need, and go to the Redemption Center of the Cross if I want to realize the benefit of God’s redemption. Recognizing my need is called conviction of sin. Going to the Redemption Center of the Cross is called repentance. Jesus Christ paid the price, everything necessary has been done, but in order to enjoy the blessings of redemption, I have to recognize my need and actually go to the Cross.

I wish I could say this is a once-for-all matter, but I find it necessary to come to the Cross on a regular basis. I receive Holy Communion weekly because I regularly need to access the forgiveness offered in my redemption. Now if that were all it were to it, I’d be delighted, but forgiveness often must also be sought from others. Just today I found it necessary to apologize to three people for an offense I hadn’t intended, but nonetheless made through my own carelessness. My apology was accepted and I’ve learned from the incident. And I am so very thankful that the redemption, the exchange of my emptiness for God’s fullness includes the forgiveness, the putting away of my sins. I will celebrate that redemption and forgiveness once more when Sunday rolls around again.

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