Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Birthday Banter

July 11, 2018

Shortly after midnight, our granddaughter Abi messaged me. “Happy birthday, James!” followed by a second that said, “That was weird. It should be Beepa.” Just before going to sleep, I acknowledged her message, telling her that she was the first to wish me a happy birthday.

Fast forward to 5:30 this morning. Waiting for me is a text from son Matt: “Happy birthday. I guarantee I am first!” To which I replied, “Yes, you are. Although you’ll have to argue with Abi. I saw hers last night and told her she was the first, but yours is time stamped earlier.”

Checking again revealed son Nate’s text time stamped 11:59: “Happy birthday Dad! I know I was #1” I replied, “Thank you. I saw Abi’s last night and told her she was 1st. Matt’s is time stamped 12:00, so you’ll have to duke it out. He will certainly say that yours doesn’t count since it was technically still yesterday.” He responded with, “What?! Mine is time stamped 12 on my end.”

I texted Matt, “Your brother’s is time stamped 11:59, so he’s earlier, but you will argue it doesn’t count.” 

Matt: “Totally not. I waited until exactly 12:00.” 

Me: “He says his is stamped 12:00.”

Matt: “He is untrustworthy. Don’t believe him. Remember he crashed like 3 of your cars.”

Me: “And you were the perfect son.”

Matt: “I agree.”

Me: “Maybe I should change the rules of the contest to who gives me the best gift.”

That was the end of the conversation. Go figure! Linda and I were talking this afternoon before she drove to Rochester to watch my mom for a couple days so my brother and sister in law could have some vacation time with some old friends. I know too many people whose kids don’t even talk to them; some whose kids would rob them blind; others whose kids harbor grudges that rips their families apart. It’s become somewhat of a tradition that Nate and Matt do their best to beat the other to the punch on birthdays, our anniversary, or Christmas. 

I have to believe even God chuckles a bit at their antics. After all, he created all things good, and innocent humor is certainly good. I think there will be laughter in heaven as we jab one another in the ribs and recount how we outsmarted the devil, how Jesus unmasked him for the imposter that he is, and revel in holy joy for the grace and salvation we have received. Tonight, I am thankful for the sneak preview of the heavenly laughter that will be ours as we worship before the throne of our Almighty God and Savior, Jesus Christ. 

And yes, it was a happy birthday.

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