May 4, 2018
Every so often, I open my mouth before thinking things through. I know—it’s even hard for me to believe, but it’s true; I’ve committed myself to projects that in more lucid moments made me ask, “What was I thinking?” It always seems like a good idea at the time, until I begin to realize what it’s going to cost me.
At our last church board meeting, it came to our attention that 2018 is the centennial of the erection of our church building.
“Why not have a big celebration in the park and invite the neighborhood? We could give out hot dogs and chips, have games for the kids, music, and a big birthday cake.” I looked around to see who had come up with such a hairbrained idea. I couldn’t see anyone’s lips moving, so it must have been me. It sounded pretty good at the time. After all, August was a long way off.
The following Monday, I found a note on my desk. “The actual dedication of the building was on July 14, 1918.” I checked my calendar and found that July 14, 2018 falls on a Saturday, and that I had nothing penciled in on my calendar. Nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zip. Guess who on the spur of the moment decided to move the celebration up an entire month! What was I thinking? I need a full time aide to stay by my side and muzzle me when I start to come up with ideas. There is a lot of work to be done, and much for which I don’t have what we need to make it happen. I know God is faithful, and I believe what the Conference preacher said last week: “Is there anything you’re doing that makes no sense if God isn’t real?” Well, this is one of those things. I’m asking God to send us people who need Jesus, even though I don’t know how we could manage to disciple them if he answers that prayer. Pretty senseless, but I desperately want to see the work of God in our midst, and am actually thankful for those ideas that pop into my head and out my mouth when my guard is down. Linda has an acronym for it: OTM, OTM: On The Mind, Out the Mouth. Yep. That’s me.
It will all come together, probably in ways I cannot imagine. And when it does, my thanksgiving will turn into exuberant praise.
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