April 19, 2018
Neverclaim is a Christian band whose #1 claim to fame is the song, “My Soul Longs,” which speaks powerfully to the longing for the Kingdom of God, where justice and love reign. I thought of that song often over the last two weeks when I was on a mission trip outside the availability of internet and email. In those two weeks, I was able to contact Linda only once, for two days of back and forth emails. I thought of those old time missionaries who left home and family for years at a time, with only the occasional letter to catch them up on news that by the time it was received was months old. They are the heroes of our faith.
Traditionally, Christians considered themselves pilgrims in a foreign land, travelers on their way to heaven, their real home. John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress” is but one example of the mindset of those stalwart folks and the attitude they had towards this life. They could endure much suffering in this world because they looked forward to a better one, and because of this mindset, accomplished great things that we today would find ourselves hard put to match.
As I longed for home, to sleep in my own bed with my wife beside me, to revel in her company and conversation, I listened to that song and wondered, “Do I long for my heavenly home as I long for this earthly one?” The answer of course was, “No.” This pilgrim has settled down in the foreign land, and in doing so, has forgotten what his real home looks like. My heart has been too easily captured by this land I am supposed to be just passing through. It’s a sobering thought when I remember that this is not only a foreign land; it is a hostile one. The kingdoms of this world are at war with the kingdom of God, locked in mortal combat with the One who challenges their claim to absolute sovereignty over the lives and loyalties of the subjects they have so cruelly oppressed. In short, I have often become a traitor, colluding with the Enemy of my soul. It is a sobering thought.
The only solution is to remind myself of my true citizenship, to reaffirm my oath of loyalty, and to daily strengthen the ties that bind me to heaven. I am grateful that the opportunities to do that are abundant, and that the One to whose kingdom I belong is gracious and forgiving, always welcoming me with open arms and heart.
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