Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Falling Down

January 9, 2018

Waking up at 5:00 in the morning is not my idea of the best way to start my day. Waking up at 5:00 in the morning to the sound of a crash followed by a wail of pain is even less of a good way to start the day. I jumped out of bed to find Linda groaning as she lay on the upper landing of the stairs, hanging headfirst over the first step. She hasn’t been feeling her best lately, and during the night developed a headache bad enough to make her sick to her stomach. She had gotten up, went into the bathroom, and felt so sick she lay down on the floor. She intended to call a friend with whom she had a breakfast appointment when she passed out. 

She has slept most of the day, and actually listened to me when I told her I didn’t want her taking down the Christmas tree or unnecessarily going up and down the stairs. I am thankful for that. And that as evening came on, she is feeling better. And that when she fainted, she didn’t fall down the stairs. And that not falling down the stairs, she didn’t end up breaking my bass which stands on the lower landing. I am a very thankful man tonight! Most of all, I am thankful she is OK. She has been by my side for 47 years; we don’t have that many left, but we want as many of them as possible, and for them to be as full as they can be.

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