Sunday, March 26, 2017


March 26, 2017

Boredom doesn't happen around here. 7:30 am found me at worship team rehearsal, followed by worship service, Sunday School, 11:00 worship and an impromptu time of ministry as I listened to a couple share some heartbreaking news they had received. Then there were prayers with a woman whose elderly mother is hospitalized with pneumonia before heading home for lunch. The family gathered around the table as we gave thanks for our many blessings, and ate, talked, and laughed together. There was a short break for the afternoon, during which I had the choice of a pastor's charity basketball game, doing some target shooting with my son and a friend. Having to be back at church by 4:30 to set up to teach bass meant having to forego both of those options. Bass lesson over, it was time for a Cuba missions team meeting, It's 8:00 pm, and I've only now gotten home and settled in for the evening. Linda is still at church helping our daughter with preparations for this week's Spring Fling Bible school meals.

There's no time to get bored. There's hardly time to catch our breath! I wouldn't have it any other way. The day will come soon enough when we aren't able to keep up such a schedule. In the meantime, I see countless people younger than ourselves whose physical health and strength prohibit such activity, and still others whose circle of friends and interests is so small that they have time on their hands they don't know how to fill. It is possible to be too busy. Activity can run roughshod over contemplation, leaving no room for pondering the reason or meaning behind the activity. Busyness can crowd out relationships with people and with God. But when activity serves a purpose, it fills not only our time, but also our hearts; and for that, I am thankful tonight.

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